Waterlake Family Dentistry

Teeth Cleanings

Teeth Cleanings in Lakeland, Fl

There are thousands of naturally occurring bacteria in your mouth that live on your teeth’s surface and feed on the food that you eat. Regular brushing, flossing, and maintenance of oral hygiene measures can remove some of these bacteria, but they might not be able to tackle it all. To prevent your teeth from getting infected and decayed, the American Dental Association recommends that you should get your teeth professionally cleaned once every few months. 

Before the teeth cleaning process, your dentist will thoroughly examine your teeth and mouth to determine their health. This is followed by the professional cleaning procedure, which removes plaque and tartar, and thus, a huge amount of bacteria.

What are the benefits of getting your teeth professionally cleaned?

The benefits would include:

What are the types of dental cleanings?

Depending on the conditions of your gums, teeth, and the amount of plaque, tartar, bacteria, etc., you have in your mouth; your dentist might recommend one of the following teeth cleaning procedures:
  • Prophylaxis Dental Cleaning- It is a regular professional tooth cleaning procedure that occurs on healthy teeth. It helps to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. The procedure can also effectively remove plaque, tartar, and bacteria from the front or back of your teeth. This is ideal for people having healthy teeth and following a proper oral hygiene routine.
  • Scaling and Root Planing- Also known as deep cleaning, it helps in cleaning the teeth and also gum pockets. The procedure helps to treat gum diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis. The scaling process removes plaque and tartar from your teeth surface and the gum pockets, which mainly causes gum disease. It also helps in bacteria removal and reduces gum inflammation. With the root planing process, the tooth roots are smoothed, which helps the gums reattach to the teeth and eliminate the gum processes.
  • Periodontal Maintenance Cleaning-They also helps to treat gum diseases by removing excess plaque and tartar from the tooth’s surface and gum pockets, followed by root smoothing if needed. It is one of the most common types of dental cleanings and helps treat gum diseases, which might progress and get worse if not treated on time.
  • Gross Debridement Cleaning- This helps clean the teeth that have an excess amount of plaque and tartar. Dentists might recommend this treatment if you have not been to the dental clinic for a considerable period. Once excess plaque and tartar are removed by this procedure, prophylaxis teeth cleaning is performed to clean the teeth further.

Who is eligible for teeth cleaning?

Everyone, including people with healthy dental conditions, should go for teeth cleaning sessions at a dental clinic, once every 3-4 months. If this is not done, then plaque and tartar might accumulate on your teeth and lead to gum diseases, which would require the advanced teeth cleaning procedure as mentioned above.

Water lake Family Dentistry has an experienced dentist, Dr. Lisa Ma, who has years of experience in dentistry. She will help with cleanings  and  dental examinations to ensure that your teeth and gums are healthy.

Finding all-around dental services in Lakeland, FL

If you are looking for effective dental treatments in Lakeland or nearby Florida areas, contact us at Waterlake Family Dentistry. You can call us at 863-606-5721 for appointments or visit our conveniently located dental office at 5347 N. Socrum Loop Rd. Lakeland, FL 33809.